1. I/We understand and agree that all content on the Eyeballitart4kids.org website, information and materials on and/or distributed through Eyeballitart4kids.org is protected by copyright, trademark, patent and other proprietary rights and laws. I/We also understand and agree that except as expressly authorized in advance by Ellen M. Priest, I/We agree not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, modify, rent, lease, loan, sell, resell, distribute, create derivative works based on, or otherwise exploit for any commercial purposes, all or any part of this site or any information or materials made available through this site. I/We also agree to not remove any copyright, trademark or other proprietary rights notice from this site or materials originating from this site. Should I/We have questions regarding approved use of this site or any information or materials made available through this site, I/We agree to contact Ellen M. Priest at: info@ellenpriest.com.
2. I/we understand and agree that Eyeball It!® projects are meant to be experienced by kids with appropriate adult supervision. I also understand and agree that I and/or any adult using any of the content on Eyeballitart4kids.org with children am/are fully responsible for my safety and the children’s safety when working with the projects. In consideration of being allowed to download and participate in an Eyeballitart4kids.org activity, I freely and voluntarily acknowledge, understand, and agree that I and any person under my supervision am/are assuming any and all risks that may accompany any Eyeballitart4kids.org art projects and waive any and all claims against Eyeballitart4kids.org and/or Ellen M. Priest and release Eyeballitart4kids.org and/or Ellen M. Priest of any liability.
3. I am 18 years of age or older.